The Shamanic Journey

A Two-Day Workshop To Explore
The Secret World Of The Shaman
Nick Ratcliffe
In this workshop you will learn how to use SHAMANIC JOURNEYING TECHNIQUES to reconnect with your own inner wisdom.

How many times have we heard in workshops, seminars and courses that the answers are not "out there" somewhere, but that they all lie within. Sounds a simple concept, but how do we go inside to get those answers ?
We learn to go on a Shamanic Journey, to quietly go within and get the learnings and teachings and get those answers.

The Shaman, in all the continents in the world, throughout time, have been sought by their local people to perform the role of teacher, healer and counsellor. Together we shall explore the fundamental principles that unite all shamans and then take a glimpse at the various traditions to see what makes each one gloriously unique.

You will connect with and take teachings from Power Animals to support you through every-day situations, challenges and decisions. Then you will take a glimpse at some of the many other uses that shamanic journeying can be put to, such as working in nature, connecting with your teachers, guides and helpers, soul retrieval and recalling past lives.